Q: Where can I get a visa to Korea, Democratic People's Republic in New Brunswick, NB?


To get Korea, Democratic People's Republic visa being in New Brunswick you need to send all required documents as per https://north-korea.visacenter.ca/  to our Ottawa office for processing.

The address of Visa Center in Ottawa is:

Visa Center

130 Albert St., B1 Level, Suite 7
Ottawa, ON, K1P 5G4

phone: 1-613-366-1814

Where can I get a visa to Korea, Democratic People's Republic in New Brunswick, NB?

To get Korea, Democratic People's Republic visa being in New Brunswick you need to send all required documents as per https://north-korea.visacenter.ca/  to our Ottawa office for processing.

The address of Visa Center in Ottawa is:

Visa Center

130 Albert St., B1 Level, Suite 7
Ottawa, ON, K1P 5G4

phone: 1-613-366-1814